Consultancy and Training

John has over thirty years’ experience of working in primary and secondary care, as both a clinician and educator. This includes leading a service for Health Education England (formerly the London Deanery) offering team facilitation, training and development for multi-professional clinical teams in the NHS in London. He has a broad knowledge and understanding of how the health service works, and how to bring about change effectively. 

Through both his public sector and freelance work, John Launer has delivered training and consultancy in almost every hospital and mental health Trust in London, as well as helping Trusts and primary care organisations elsewhere, and other health service agencies. His work has included educational consultancy, team facilitation and conflict resolution, anti-bullying training, the design of educational materials, mentoring, coaching and supervision for individuals, and leading workshops and courses in “Conversations Inviting Change”. Clients abroad have included the Danish Association for General Practice, Australian Capital Territory Health in Canberra and the Japanese Primary Care Association.

Examples of issues addressed include:
– managing the consequences of reorganisation and service reconfiguration
– tensions and conflict within teams or between them
– problems with supervision or training
– teams that are unclear about their roles and how to perform them

Resources offered include:
– tailor-made programmes of team building, facilitation and coaching
– in-house workshops in role definition and effective meetings
– local faculty group development
– training in supervision skills
– anti-bullying workshops
– action learning sets

To contact John with a request for consultancy, training, supervision, team development or educational matters, email him at:

What some past clients have said:

“We have overcome the adversarial atmosphere and continue to improve supervision”

“We were impressed in that there seemed to be consistent evidence of marked improvement”

“I think the project has been highly effective in identifying the key issues, bringing together a group of people who are able and empowered to influence the issues, establishing the key problems and setting a strategic direction”

“One of the things that John picked up on is a difference between managing a tight ship and undermining, and I think that was certainly one of the things he talked to us about. It related to one individual in particular.  I have seen that person […], they’ve been more aware of when they are doing that and tried to modify that” 

“I think John is excellent. He handles what is clearly a difficult process very well […] actually everyone liked it very much, everyone thought what he had to say was valuable and interesting and I think it has made a difference.” 

To contact John and enquire about training and consultancy, email