Videos and podcasts

“Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.” Presentation to Department of Liberal Arts, Tokyo Institute of Technology.

John Launer was invited to lecture to Masters students in science and engineering in April 2024 in an elective module on “Science and Literature.” He chose as his subject Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”, looking particularly at its depiction of one doctor’s futile search for perfection and the dangers to which this gives rise. You can watch the lecture here.

Seminar at Institute of Medical Humanities, Durham University

In March 2024. John Launer ran a seminar on ‘Conversations Inviting Change’ for the Institute of Medical Humanities at Durham University. As well as outlining the history and development of CIC as a form of narrative practice, John explained how the approach is used in health care consultations with patients and supervision for colleagues, with video clips demonstrating both. Link to watch it here. (1 hour)

Presentation to European Narrative Medicine Society: ‘Narrative Medicine and Reflective Practice’

In this talk given in October 2022 to a distinguished audience including Rita Charon and Arthur Frank, John Launer presented his new book ‘Reflective Practice in Medicine and Multiprofessional Health Care’ and laid out a manifesto connecting reflective practice with narrative medicine and narrative practice. John’s presentation starts around 07:30 and ends at 44:00. This is followed around 45:00 by a reading with Maria Victoria Bovo of a script from some narrative-based supervision that took place in 2021. The discussion is started by Rita Charon around 1:02:00 and Arthur Frank speaks 1at 1:15:40. There is a commentary from Susan Magalhaes as discussant from 1:24:55 followed by further discussion at 1:50:09. Link to watch it here.

Physio Matters podcast on ‘Conversations Inviting Change’

Tom Jesson, a UK trained physiotherapist now based in the US, interviews John Launer in the Physio Matters podcast series. To listen, click here (77 minutes)

The importance of being wrong: address at McGill University Medical School

John was invited to give the address at the ‘white coat ceremony’ at McGill University Medical School in Montreal, Canada in 2016, to mark the passage of that year’s cohort of pre-clinical students into their training on the wards. For his subject, he chose ‘The importance of being wrong’. The introduction to his presentation starts at 29’54 on the video here. (20 minutes)

Roger Kneebone interviewing John Launer

This podcast features an interview with John Launer by Roger Kneebone, professor of surgical education at Imperial College London and one of the most innovative thinkers in the medical field in the United Kingdom. Roger interviews John about the ideas underlying ‘Conversations Inviting Change’ and its development, as part of his ‘Countercurrent’ series of podcasts. In the podcast, John and Roger compare their experiences of teaching and writing. You can listen to the podcast here. (42 minutes)

Further videos and podcasts featuring John Launer, including full length presentations on ‘Conversations Inviting Change’ are available at